Example of a CMT BaseMap


High quality base maps are automatically loaded with your differentially corrected job in the PC-GPS MAP. They contain useful vector data such as:

4    Roads

4    Railroads

4    Hydrology

4    Transportation

4    City Limits

4    County subdivisions

4    Landmarks

4    Key Geographic Locations

4    Indian/Alaska Native Area



Preset colors, patterns and labels make a clear, visually appealing and easy-to-use BaseMap.

Intelligent labeling: Street names and other labels will be proportionally resized according to scale.

Copy elements in the BaseMap and convert them to features in your map.



To order BaseMaps, please complete the CMT Purchase Order Form and fax to:


For more information on BaseMaps please email us.


NEW! For current versions of CMT software, you can add Contour lines and 3D shading to your maps!