Frequently Asked Questions

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CogoCAD Frequently Asked Questions

Q1   What can COGOCAD do for me?
Q2   Where do I begin?
Q3   How can I change the default point symbol? 
Q4   How can I save the text and line styles I added to my job?
Q5   How can I combine two jobs in COGOCAD?
Q6   How do I output the coordinates in my job to an ASCII file?
Q7   How can I hide all the lines that go to the sideshots?
Q8   How can I view a large coordinate file before printing it out? 
Q9   How can I print sharper lines?
Q10  Can I save multiple sets of custom symbols?
Q11  How can I do an adjustment on my closed-loop traverse?
Q12  In COGO TRAVERSE, what's the use of the PF: and PT: fields?
Q13  How come Map\Figure\Add figure\By mouse click does not work for me?
Q14  Sometimes I cannot use my mouse to select any item on my map. Why?
Q15  How can I get labels to transfer to AutoCAD along with the coordinates?
Q16  What is the .ftr format for?
Q17  How do I enter and adjust a closed-loop traverse using Quick Traverse?
Q18  How can I print to a PDF file using COGOCAD 2.5?


 Q1  What can COGOCAD do for me?
This Windows-based program was mainly designed to let you work with survey data points.  You may edit or move points as well as generate new points, lines or curves based on the existing data points. 

Specifically, you may use COGOCAD to do the following: 

* Move data files from your SA 1.40 or SA 2.05 to SA2.2, or vice versa.
  (SA is the Surveyor's Assistant software program designed by CMT.
  The file names for SA 1.x/2.0x jobs use the extension .hvd.
  The file names for SA 1.x/2.0x jobs use the extension .fld.)

* Import or Export data in DXF or ASCII format.
(This means you can use COGOCAD even if you are not using the MC5/SA field data collection system. If you do not currently own an MC5/SA field data collection system, please check it out on our web site. You may like what you see.)

* Work with UTM, State Plane, NEZ or User-defined coordinate systems.
* View/edit raw data and coordinate data.
* Auto-label points and figures with IDs, Attributes and Elevations.
* Manage multiple lists of description codes.
* Manage multiple topics and attributes.
* Create Figures using the mouse or by entering a point list.
* Enhance map with text labels, pre-defined or user-defined point symbols and pre-defined line patterns. (Save your map using the file name extension .cog.)
* Design a road and transfer the data to SA 2.2 for field stakeout.
* Do a quick traverse.
* Print and plot job to a printer or a file. 
* Use these powerful COGO (coordinate geometry) functions to calculate distances and areas, draw lines and curves, or create new points for stakeout: 
Traverse Inverse
Translate/Rotate/Scale 2 Point Resection
T/R/S Least-Squares Fit  3 Point Resection
Corner Angle Horizontal Curve
Multiple Points 3 Point Curve
Area  Curve Between Tangents
Direction Cut Curve by Radius Point
Hinge Cut Radius Point
Station Offset Vertical Curve
Intersection  Spiral Curve

COGOCAD does not purport to be an all-encompassing drawing package.  However, some users are able to complete and print out decent survey plats based on the data they collected using the MC5/SA data collector.

 Q2  Where do I begin?

Begin by opening a file. You may do one of the following:

Click on File/New.

a) Click on Map/Point/Add Point/By Mouse Click.  Enter a Topic name if you wish. Then click OK.  The mouse pointer changes to "+".  Click on the map to place some points.  To edit the coordinates of a point, double-click on it to bring up the "Update points" screen.

b) Click on Map/Point/Add Point/By Coordinates if you have the coordinates of some points and wish to place those points in the map.

c) Click on Map/Figure/Add Figure By Mouse Click.  Click on a few of the points that you have already added to form a 

d) Experiment with the other functions provided by COGOCAD.

Click on File/Save and specify a .cog file name to save all points as well as any text labels and line styles you have added to the map.

Click on File/Open.  Click the DOWN ARROW in the "List files of type" section and select "SA 2.2 Files (*.fld)". 
From the list of displayed files, select "2LOTS.FLD".  This brings up the map for a sample job named "2LOTS".  You may use this job to experiment with the COGOCAD functions.  To preserve the original sample file, use "File/Save As" to save
the modified job using a different file name in the .cog format.

If you own an MC5/SA handheld survey data collector, you may transfer the SA 1.x/2.0x .HVD jobs or the SA 2.2 .FLD jobs to COGOCAD.  These jobs may be saved in the .HVD or .FLD format and transferred back to SA 1.x/2.0x or SA 2.2, respectively.

Following are some notes related to file transfer to/from COGOCAD.

Run COGOCAD, then use Utility/File Transfer/Settings to select the COM port and baud rate for your PC.

For a successful transfer, the baud rates need to match.  Use 19200 between MC5/SA2.0x and COGOCAD.  (You may use 38400 baud between MC5GT/SA2.2 and COGOCAD.)

Use COM1 by default on MC5, MC5GT and PC. Activate the receiver/server side first.

When receiving into COGOCAD, click on "Change Dir" to specify the directory into which the files should go.

The following charts summarize the transfer control settings:

To transfer from SA2.2 to COGOCAD:

Set SA 2.2 to OUTPUT (current job).

Set COGOCAD to Recv/Server. 

To transfer from COGOCAD to SA 2.2:

Set SA 2.2 to INPUT (server).

Set COGOCAD to Send (specified job)

To transfer from SA2.05 to COGOCAD:

Set SA 2.05 to OUTPUT (current job).

Set COGOCAD to Recv/Server. 

To transfer from COGOCAD to SA 2.05:

Set SA 2.05 to INPUT (specify job name).

Set COGOCAD to Recieve/Server.

Larger files will take a longer time to transfer.  An "Overwrite All" option is available for file transfer between SA 2.2 and COGOCAD.


 Q3 How can I change the default point symbol? 
You can use the Map/Assign Symbols function to assign the default symbol for all points in COGOCAD.

You may also group points into Topics and assign a different symbol for the points in each Topic.

 Q4  How can I save the text and line styles I added to my job?
COGOCAD can save your data in three different formats.

Data to be transferred to MC5GT/SA2.2 should be saved in the .fld format. Data to be transferred to MC5/SA1.x or 2.05 should be saved in the .hvd format. If you wish to retain the map elements added in COGOCAD, please save the file in the .cog format.

 Q5  How can I combine two jobs in COGOCAD?
COGOCAD lets you copy items from one map to another.

The following steps make use of this method to combine 2 jobs.

  Open the first job.

  Open the second job.

  While the second job is showing, use the mouse to draw a rubber-band box around the items you wish to copy to the first job.

  Click on Edit/Copy

  Use the Windows function to switch to the first job.

  Click Edit/Paste.

  Use File/Save As to save the combined job using a new name.

  - Make sure both jobs use the same coordinate system in COGOCAD.
  - Only the coordinates can be copied, not the raw data.
  - Figures can also be copied.

 Q6  How do I output the coordinates in my job to an ASCII file?

Use the COGOCAD ASCII Transfer function to export or import ASCII data. The following procedure is for outputting the coordinates and point descriptions from your job to an ASCII file.

  Open the .hvd or .fld survey job in COGOCAD.  Or, use the COGOCAD Traverse function to create new points.

  Select COGOCAD Utility/ASCII/Setup and add a format name. Enter "txt" as file extension.  Use the default delimiters (Comma and CR LF).  Select Point ID, Northing, Easting, Elevation and Value as items to transfer. (Value is the Code Description.)

  Click Export Preview. If it looks OK, click on Export.  Save the ASCII file in the appropriate subdirectory in your PC.

 Q7  How can I hide all the lines that go to the sideshots?
Use Map\Setup\Display and un-select the Side Shot box.

 Q8  How can I view a large coordinate file before printing it out? 
When the coordinate file is too big to be fully displayed using the Windows Note Pad, Print Preview will display only a portion of it. To view the entire file, you may use the "Print to File" function to print the coordinates to a text file. You may then use another text editor or word processor to view the coordinate data.

 Q9  How can I print sharper lines?

Select Plot Setup
In the Printer Setup window, click on Options.
Click on Graphics
Select 300 or 600 dpi. (The printed lines are sharper for 600 dpi.)

 Q10  Can I save multiple sets of custom symbols?

Yes. The custom symbols are stored in the files usrlib.sys and brush.lib in the subdirectory in which COGOCAD is installed.
Copy these files to a pair of new files named, say, USER1.SYS and BR1.LIB, respectively. Modify the symbols as you wish and copy the new set of usrlib.sys and brush.lib to files named, say, USER2.SYS and BR2.LIB, 

To use the first set of custom symbols, copy USER1.SYS and BR1.LIB to usrlib.sys and brush.lib, respectively. In COGOCAD, select the custom symbol library.

 Q11  How can I do an adjustment on my closed-loop traverse?

A closed-loop or end-ties traverse needs to meet certain requirements on how the ending measurements are taken in order to be successfully adjusted.

Last OS of closed loop traverse with internal BS must be the same as the internal BS.

Last OS of closed loop traverse with external BS must be the same as the first OS point.

End-ties traverse must have last OS at a control point.

Last FS of closed loop traverse with internal BS must be the same as the first OS point.

Last FS of closed loop traverse with external BS must be the same as the first BS.

End-ties traverse must end with FS to an azimuth mark.

Select FieldData\Adjustment.
Specify the beginning and ending traverse points. 
For a closed-loop traverse, the first and last points are the same.
For an end-ties traverse, the last point must be a control point.
Select adjustment options, then press RAWCLOSE to see the raw closure 
data. If it looks good, then press ADJUST to adjust the coordinates.

 Q12  In COGO TRAVERSE, what's the use of the PF: and PT: fields?

The PF: and PT: let you specify the From and To points to get the distance between the two points which will be automatically entered into the distance field.

 Q13  How come Map\Figure\Add figure\By mouse click does not work for me?

Figures are based on points. The mouse-click has to be on existing points in order for a Figure to be produced. For example, to make a line figure with a few bends in it, first add the turning points on the line to the map. Then select Map\Figure\Add figure\By mouse click and click on the points to form the line figure. Similarly, the three points must already exist in the map for you to make a 3-point curve.

Please note that when you select a Figure, you are also selecting its associated points.

 Q14  Sometimes I cannot use my mouse to select any item on my map. Why?

Check to see if your blue COGO Mouse is active. Whenever a COGO function is in use, the mouse can only be used to select
items for the input fields in the COGO view.

To deactivate the COGO mouse, click on the blue mouse icon.

 Q15  How can I get labels to transfer to AutoCAD along with the coordinates?

To output labels in DXF format for importing into AutoCAD, make sure you have saved your map as a .COG file and are performing the DXF export from the .COG map file.

DXF\Setup provides check boxes for exporting or importing Point ID and Point Attribute.

 Q16  What is the .ftr format for?

The .ftr format is compatible with the CMT PC-GPS job files. You may use the powerful mapping functions in PC-GPS to expand your survey job into a topo survey, EPA survey, stream survey, etc..

 Q17  How do I enter and adjust a closed-loop traverse using Quick Traverse?

1. Select File/Quick Traverse to open a new Quick Traverse job. Enter the coordinates of the point of beginning and select the desired measurement systems. Check "Foresight" for a simple traverse. Click OK to display the Traverse View.

2. In Traverse View, the point established above is the first occupied station. If you are doing a 2-dimensional traverse, leave the slope angle as 0. Enter the horizontal distance into the Slope Distance field and enter the horizontal angle into the foresight Angle field. Press ENTER at Foresight Angle to establish the second point.

3. Now, you are occupying the second point and are ready to enter the next traverse leg. Continue this process until you are back at the first point. The new occupied station will have a different point ID.

4. At any time, to see the points labeled by point ID, select Map/Labels and choose to label by Point ID.

5. To adjust the traverse, click on the Adjust icon. Select Closed Loop. Then select the last point ID as the End Point.
It will automatically be changed to the first point ID for the closed loop traverse. Select the desired Adjustment options and then click on Adjust.

6. To see the adjusted coordinates, select File/Print Job. Then select Coordinates and click on Print Preview.


 Q18  How can I print to a PDF file using COGOCAD 2.5?

Following are the steps for printing to a PDF file using COGOCAD 2.5:

1. Install the Acrobat PDFWriter on your PC.
2. In COGOCAD 2.5, open the job file then select File/Plot Preview.
3. Click the Printer Setup tool icon and set the printer to Acrobat PDFWriter.
4. When you click the Print tool icon, you will be prompted for the folder and file name to use for the PDF file. Enter the desired folder and file names then click on the "Save" button.
5. Use Windows Explorer to locate the PDF file. You may open, print or email the PDF file.