CMTINC.COM iOS Software Applications Frquently Asked Questions

Q1:  Will I be able to do mapping work without WIFI and 3G? I'd like to work with shapefiles, raster images, create and save shapes.
Q2:  When I save a Job file or export a Shapefile or PDF file, where does it go?
Q3:  Can I try a DEMO version of PC-GIS?
Q4:  How to order PC-GIS?
Q5:  How to submit a question or a comment?

Q6:  Can multiple shapefiles be loaded into this app and viewed locally? Can shapefiles be edited with this program?
Q7:  Will iCMTGIS II accommodate shapefiles/imagery with different projections and display them properly?
Q8:  What types of raster imagery files are supported?
Q9:  Will the Features be organized in layers that can be reordered? Can the layers be selectively displayed (turned on & off)?
Q10:  How to record multiple Points on the same Topic layer?
Q11:  Is the onscreen symbology editable for the different shapefiles, such as size & color of points, color & weight of lines & fill pattern, color & outline weight of polygons?
Q12:   Is there a measure tool for linear distance/area? Are the units of measure variable (Feet/miles, acres/sq. ft.)?
Q13:  Can the coordinates and descriptions of the Features be edited?
Q14:  Can the Features be labeled?
Q15:  What to do when GPS is not available?
Q16:  (reserved)
Q17:  (reserved)
Q18:  (reserved)
Q19:  (reserved)
Q20:  (reserved)

Deed Calls - Area - Perimeter

Q21:  Can I edit the dcf file saved by Deed Calls - Area - Perimeter?
Q22:  (reserved)
Q23:  (reserved)

Q24:  (reserved)

Q25:  (reserved)

Buffer - Distance - Area

Q26:  What are typical buffer zone widths?
Q27:  (reserved)

Grid - Distance - Area

Q28:  (reserved)
Q29:  (reserved)

Q30:  (reserved)

Area - Distance

Q31:  (reserved)

Q32:  (reserved)

Q33:  (reserved)


Partition - Distance - Area


Q34:  (reserved)
Q35:  (reserved)

Q36:  (reserved)
Q37:  (reserved)


 Q1  Will I be able to do mapping work without WIFI and 3G? I'd like to work with shapefiles, raster images, create and save shape.


The complete solution for your mapping application is iCMTGIS II for the iPad or iPad2 (or iGPSGIS II for the iPhone) and PC-GIS 09 for your PC or Mac.

iCMTGIS II and iGPSGIS II will import and export Shapefiles as well as let you collect GPS Feature data.

PC-GIS 09 can convert raster images for use in iCMTGIS II or iGPSGIS II. It also provides many useful mapping functions. In the article titled: "Digital Mapping Alternatives: GIS for the Busy Forester" of the June 2005 issue of the Journal of Forestry, PC-GIS is compared side-by-side with several GIS programs. PC-GIS is rated #1 for the level of functionality at an affordable price.

iCMTGIS II, iGPSGIS II and PC-GIS 09 work with Feature Lists in which you can define Feature, Attributes and Values for data collection.
You can also digitize Points, Lines and Areas using iCMTGIS II, iGPSGIS II or PC-GIS 09.


 Q2  When I save a job file or export a Shapefile or a PDF file, where does it go?


The iPad, iPhone and iPod touch store data files in the document list for each application.

Please synch your device with iTunes and select the app in the File Sharing section of iTunes. Your data files should be listed in the document list for the app on the iTunes screen. If it is the very first time you are using the app, first run the app on your device and open a sample job to get it started. Then the data files associated with the app will be displayed in its document list.



 Q3  Can I try a DEMO version of PC-GIS?


To try the PC-GIS DEMO program, please log on to Select "Downloads and Updates" then click on the PC-GIS
DEMO link.

The password for downloading and installing the demo program is: 



Please make sure there are no firewalls, antivirus or antispyware programs that will interfere with the installation process. Please log on to your
PC as the Administrator with full rights before starting the installation.
Context Help is provided for most functions. Under the Help icon in the PC-GIS DEMO program is a full on-line manual.

We also provide a GPS/GIS Training software when you purchase the PC-GIS program. This is a voice-based training software that guides you step by step from field data collection to completing a map.

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 Q4  How to order PC-GIS?


Please email your order to, or send it via FAX to 541-752-4117 USA.


PC-GIS version 9 can be downloaded from our ftp site. It is listed at US$385.



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 Q5 How to submit a question or a comment?


You may email us at or post a comment on any one of our blog posts at



 Q6 Can multiple shapefiles be loaded into this program and viewed locally? Can shapefiles be edited in this program?


Yes. You can load multiple Shapefiles into the same or separate Job files.

Once the Shapefiles are loaded onto iCMTGIS II, they become Features. You may modifiy their Attributes and symbols, or delete them.


 Q7 Will iCMTGIS II accommodate shapefiles/imagery with different projections and display them properly?


iCMTGIS II and iGPSGIS II will work with LLA, UTM, State Plane and NEZ plane. You will need to use PC-GIS to define special projections.
PC-GIS will let you define your own datum and enter the specifications for a projection plane  based on the Transverse mercator, Mercator,
Oblique mercator, Lambert conformal conic, Albers Equal Area conic, Double Stereographic projection. The user-defined coordinate systems
are stored in the file named user_cor.sys. You can add this file to the Document list for the iCMTGIS II or iGPSGIS II via iTunes. Then your user-defined coordinate systems will become available in the app, and you may select one of them as the active coordinate system.



 Q8  What types of raster imagery files are supported?


  You will need the CMT PC-GIS program to prepare the raster images for display on iCMTGIS II or iGPS GIS II. PC-GIS can load GeoTiffs, MRSID, .ECW and JPG2000 compressed files and save them in the .PMP format used by iCMTGIS II or iGPS GIS II. PC-GIS can run on Windows PC or a MAC in PC mode.


 Q9  Will the Features be organized in layers that can be reordered? Can the layers be selectively displayed (turned on & off)?


The Features can be organized in layers. The Topic View provides the ability to reorder the Topics and turn on/off any Topic layer.



 Q10  How to record multiple Points on the same Topic layer?


A few users asked why a new Topic was created each time they tried to record a new point. Please note that the "New" button is for starting a new Topic. To record additional Features (e.g. Points) for the same Topic, just tap the "Store" button in the data collection screen. When you do so, you will notice that the Feature ID has gone up by 1.



 Q11  Is the onscreen symbology editable for the different shapefiles, such as size & color of points, color & weight of lines & fill pattern, color & outline weight of polygons?


Yes. iCMTGIS II and iGPSGIS II will let you select from a built-in library of symbols for points, lines and areas. You can change the color and size.

However, if you want to modify the shape of the symbols, you will need to purchase the PC-GIS to accomplish that.


 Q12  Is there a measure tool for linear distance/area?  Are the units of measure variable (Feet/miles, acres/sq. ft.)?


Yes. iCMTGIS II and iGPSGIS II provide distance and area measurement utilities.


 Q13  Can the coordinates and descriptions of the Features be edited?


You may use iCMTGIS II or iGPSGIS II to edit the coordinates of a digitized Feature, but you may not change the coordinates of a Feature recorded via GPS data collection. However, you may edit the coordinate data by using PC-GIS.


The Attribute Values for theFeatures can be viewed and edited in the Sheet View of iCMTGIS II or iGPSGIS II.


 Q14  Can the Features be labeled?


Yes. There is an Autolabel function on the Topic menu that lets you select the attribution with which you would like to have the Features labeled.


 Q15  What to do when GPS is not available?



The TRAVERSE function in iCMTGIS II and iGPSGIS II is a tool that lets you continue mapping multiple Point Features when a good GPS signal is not available.

To use the Traverse function you will first establish a reference point. This could be the last GPS point logged, or any Point Feature in the job. The new points will be created based on slope distance, slope and azimuth information for the imaginary straight line going from the reference point to the new location.

You could use the Side mode to do multiple “side shots” from the same reference point. For example, after logging a GPS point outside of a cave, you could use that as the reference point and take distance and angle measurements to the artifacts you’ve discovered inside the cave. Enter this information into the Travers Side data fields and the locations of the artifacts will be recorded in your job file.

Or, you could use the Traverse mode to traverse to a new point that will then be used as the reference point for the next traverse point. This method can be used for storing vertices for lines or area boundaries.



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 Q21  Can I edit the dcf file saved by Deed Calls - Area - Perimeter?


The *.dcf files created by the Deed Calls - Area - Perimeter app are text files that can be modified by using a text editor. 
This means that you could edit the .dcf file to change the initial node location or the calls instead of using the app to edit the deed calls records. If you wish, you could even create a new deed calls file by following the format of the .dcf file and open this file in the app to have it draw the figure for you.

The procedure of directly editing a .dcf file should only be attempted if you know what you are doing as you could unintentionally mess up the data. You could try it out by creating a simple figure and saving the .dcf file to play with.

To edit a .dcf file, you will need to first copy it to your office computer. Save an additional copy of the .dcf file under a different name just in case you mess up and need the original data back. Then use a text editor to make the necessary changes and save the file. You can then add the modified file to the Document Folder for the Deed Calls - Area - Perimeter app and confirm to overwrite the original .dcf file. When you open the .dcf file, you should see the changes reflected in the drawing on the screen.



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Q24 (reserved)




Q25 (reserved)





Q26 What are typical buffer zone widths?


Buffer zones are mandated by land use regulations to either protect the area enclosed by the buffer zone or to minimize impact of certain facilities or activities within a region on the surrounding areas.

Buffer widths vary depending on the purpose of the buffer zone. For example, a typical riparian buffer zone is 100 ft wide. Please read the article at the following link to see how local governments define wetland buffers for protecting wildlife:

Land-use buffer zones are created to minimize potential adverse effects of certain land uses on other land uses. For example, residential structures may be prohibited within 1000 ft around a sewage treatment plant.

What if the required buffer width is different along different sections of a boundary? The Buffer - Distance - Area application for iPad and iPhone will let you set different buffer widths (called Intervals) for different segments of a Line Feature or an Area Feature. It also provides a Division tool to enable you to delineate the exact outline of the desired buffer area, such as to square out the end cap around a terminal point.





Q27 (reserved)






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